Global Community Dreaming Symposium


with Tayria Ward and Jocelyn Star Feather


Register on this page for upcoming Symposiums

Friday,  September 20, 2024
9 am Los Angeles / 12:00 pm New York / 5 pm London
Friday, October 18, 2024
9 am Los Angeles / 12:00 pm New York / 5 pm London
Friday, November 15, 2024
9 am Los Angeles / 12:00 pm New York / 5 pm London
Friday,  December 13, 2024
9 am Los Angeles / 12:00 pm New York / 5 pm London

To join the Symposium, please click on this link at the scheduled time:

“In the beginning was the dream. Through the dream all things were made, and without the dream nothing was made that has been made.”

~Thomas Berry, The Dream of the Earth: Our Way into the Future

Early peoples the world over held sacred the meanings and messages delivered in their dreams, visions of the night. In many, maybe most, early cultures the days began with hearing the dreams of the community. This would guide their days; tell them when to hunt, when danger was nigh, when to plant, how to understand meanings of the world and of cosmic origins. Every scripture and myth, in all the world’s cultures, tell stories of the importance of dreams in guiding the people. The voice of God and Goddess, however Spirit is named or conceived, was known to speak directly to us through dreams.

Dreams are a universal language. Everyone dreams. Animals dream. Ancestors and angels speak in dreams. The web of life tells its story in dreams. Dreams are critically important in the psychic life of individuals and the community. Yet somewhere along the way we lost track of this divine gift. As we increasingly developed the industrial mind, empiricism and rational thinking. Marginalizing other ways of knowing, we forgot the dream language and the languages being spoken in the more-than-human world. We lost our guides, and have clearly lost our way.

The story humans in general are living now of progress, conquest, consumerism, war, money, profit motives and power became the currency of human life, the reality tacitly taken to be necessary and true. When we stopped dreaming with the Earth we began to destroy our common home, our common Mother who alone can nurture and feed us. Objectifying her we rape and abuse her without realizing or caring.

It is time to listen again to our common dreams, time to shed an old story that is causing mass extinctions of countless species on our planet, which may before too long include our own. The New Story can be heard in our dreams. Guidance for how to live and support it will come if we listen. A new mythology is waiting to be born, and we must do whatever we can to be birthers and carriers for it.

Let us join the earlier cultures who regularly listened to the dreams of the community, and the cultures who still do this today.

Jocelyn Mercado and I have created a monthly forum for doing this. We will listen to dreams you feel you can share with us, especially those that you sense might have a collective image or significance, you decide. Tayria and Jocelyn will comment briefly on some; Jocelyn will call on those who raise their hands in the forum and together we will all weave the emerging story. If you don’t have dreams to share, come to hear and remember. Let us listen together and see what arises.


A reflection regarding the Dream Symposium from
Dr. Charles Poletti, neuroscientist, neurosurgeon:

Although a neuroscientist and retired neurosurgeon, writing a book looking at the biology of our brain to learn more who we are, I have come to a view of human nature very parallel to yours [Jocelyn] and Tayria: namely that objective so-called civilization is in fact taking us away from the true inner world for which we are designed. It tells us a deep truth, if looking into our being through very different windows – dreams or brain biology- we see the same fundamental message of who we are and, most importantly, where we need to go to recreate the spiritual humaneness of our lives.

I watched the November 15th Symposium again – the atmosphere you project seems, for me, full of warmth, connections, caring, calm, peace, beauty, safety, poetry, respect, acceptance, reassurance, nurturing – a wonderful world where we should strive to live more of our life here on Earth, with many others.

Love to you both,
Charlie P.


Participant Laura Carey writes:

To learn more about Jocelyn, click here

To see the first Symposium from February 23, 2017, including a short introduction to the concept, click here.


Join the Global Dream Village HERE
Share your dreams and get into conversation about them with the Village community.

To find recordings of all Symposiums go to THE DREAM VILLAGE website
On this site you will find links to each of the fascinating sessions, and also you can join the conversation, share your dreams, hear and comment on those of others in this village of dream explorers. We would love to see you there.

I have inserted the first few links here, the rest are on the Dream Village page
March 24, 2017
Video format: Click here
Audio only: Click here

April 25, 2017
Video recording: Click here
Audio only: Click here

May 23, 2017
Video recording: Click here
Audio recording: Click here

June 27, 2017
Video recording: Click here
Audio recording: Click here

Painting at top: A Dream of a Girl Before a Sunrise by Karl Brulloff, 1830-1833